Monday, February 27, 2012

Yikes, Check Out that Major Inactivity!!

Aaaaaah!! It's been nearly two whole weeks and I haven't made any updates! Super sorry!!

It isn't because I haven't had anything to post about, it's just that I've been pretty busy with the internship on weekdays and my weekends will filled with hanging out with my brother and parents. And every night I've just been waaaaay too tired to sit down and take time to type up a good ol' blog post, haha.

This also goes to show just how quick time goes by. It really doesn't feel like two weeks since my last update, but we can all see that it has been, pfff.

So another apology for that and now onward to tonight's update~

In a nutshell, these past two weeks have been pretty darn awesome! First off, let me just say that my phone has been replaced and has been since the day after the unfortunate phone theft. So yay for that~ Hung out with my big bro that Friday night which was super fun and then spent the weekend with him again, my sis-in-law and parents. We chilled around in Napa for a while where we stopped by one of the laaaarge fields of pretty wild yellow flowers~

Not only was the field big, but these flowers were also really tall, haha!!

So that was a super fun day with the family. I ended up still have pieces of yellow flowers stuck to my red jacket for the next couple days. Somehow they accumulated in my pockets haha.

Anyway, moving onto the next subject to talk about: THE INTERNSHIIIIIP~

Now I already said that these last two weeks have been awesome and that's including the internship~ Starting contacting Lead Activists via the phone where it's my job to connect with them, build a strong relationship with them and to empower and inspire them to take action in their communities as well as help us with our campaigns. Because people power is the strongest power and the more people we get behind our cause the more powerful our organization gets~!

So it's been super fun getting the chance to talk to different people of different ages, hearing their stories on what got them involved with grassroots organizing and environment protection and getting them excited about helping with our current campaign. Definitely a lot of fantastic conversations that get me pumped and inspired.

ALSO~ Last week, mom stayed the night at my flat until Saturday. It was super fun having her around and we ate at a lot of delicious restaurants each night~ Basically, one of my best weeks eveerrrrr~ LOVE YOU MOM~! (AND LOVE YOU TOO BABA OF COURSE~)

But yeah, there's your update. Sort of a rushed blog post here, but enjoy what I just gave ya, haha~

Until next update~

(and I promise I'll try to stay more on top of posting because even I will agree, two weeks is too long to be inactive, haha)



  1. I love you too, Sara. And it was such a fun week! It went by WAY too fast!

    1. Seriously, it did. We should totally do that again. Baba should stay this time, haha.

  2. oh was is SUPER FUN dude??????????

  3. These pics look great! Glad you're having fun and making strides up there! (:
