Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hanging out with Staci & Then a Solo Adventure~

Aaaah, another long day, but this one was filled with all kinds of fun~!

Staci and TonTon stopped by at around 11:20 this morning and we all went to Japan Town to hang out. Japan Town has quite a few awesome and cute stores and I ended up buying a phone charm that was about a dollar.

Actually, I ended up buying two because it was super adorable and since it's a tiger I knew Heather (a friend of mine in Oklahoma) would love one as well. I thought it would make a cute little present~

We also went to this super delicious crepe shop. I've had crepes before, but never like these. The only kind of crepes I've ever eaten were small, plain ones. But these crepes, oh man, these crepes were so gooooood. I am so planning to go back to Japan Town one of these weekends and eating another one of those crepes~

Chocolate syrup, Whipped Cream,
& Vanilla Ice Cream filled crepe~

After hitting up Japan Town, we drove over to the Metreon which happens to be going through quite a renovation. We hung out for a bit longer and also ate lunch there at Buckhorn Grill. Ordered me a delicious tri-tip sandwich and shared a nice sized caesar salad with Staci.

We started heading back around three to drop me back off at my place since Staci and TonTon had other plans at that time. The funniest thing happened along the way. First off, I must briefly explain that Staci has a GPS and that very GPS talks with a squeaky like squirrel voice. It has the potential of being annoying, but at the time it was super cute and funny. Well, turns out TonTon fell asleep during the drive back. After a bit, he suddenly jolted back awake and Staci and I laughed a bit. Staci then teasingly asks "Hey, did you fall asleep?" with a chuckle and not even a second after, the GPS (in it's squirrely voice), shouts "Yeah!".

We busted out laughing (and I mean hard laughing) at this because the timing was just too perfect. I swear, we must have laughed for a good couple of minutes straight. It was pretty awesome, haha.

Not long after, I'm back at the flat and saying goodbye to Staci and TonTon. Although we didn't do too much other than walk around, shop a bit, eat crepes and lunch, and just hang out, I had a whole lot of fun with them. Not to mention, it was nice seeing them again, especially Staci~

I made her a promise that it'll be me who visits her next time, haha.

So I'm home at around 3:20pm to an empty flat, which honestly doesn't bother me at all. And even though my time with Staci and TonTon was over, it didn't mean my day of fun was. After getting a few things together and checking the almighty internet to figure out bus routes, I set off on a solo adventure to China Town. Today was a huge Chinese New Year's Festival and when I say huge, I mean huuuuuuge~!!

The real hugeness came when the parade was getting just started, haha.

I headed off to the street fairs just to walk around, take a few pictures and look in a ton of shops. I ended up buying my friend, Heather, another tiny something (also for a dollar). It's a cute theme and I'm excited to send it to her~

Many of the shops were familiar since I've been to a lot of them from my previous
trips to China Town~

But that doesn't mean they still weren't fun to browse around in~

I almost bought something for myself. I came across a lot of miniature samurai swords (aka, samurai sword letter openers, haha), but none of them really struck me as 'buy me, Sara, for you must have me'. Maybe I'll find something that calls out to me when I go back to China Town another day.

It started getting a bit dark at around 5:30 or 6:00. I had planned to watch a movie at the AMC in the Metreon at 6:45. The walk to the Metreon wasn't long nor far from where I was at so it only seemed practical to just travel there by foot rather than go out of my way to catch a bus (besides, it was a nice walk). However, I ended up missing the 6:45 show due to the enormous and loooooong (both time and in distance) parade. But since it was really no big deal, I decided to just go at 7:45.

With about fourty minutes to kill (because I had to think about time to walk to the Metreon and time to buy the ticket/find a good seat), I ended up watching the parade for a bit. But I had to get to the other side first to ensure that I could leisurely watch the parade without freaking out about how I was going to get over. After finally crossing through the parade when there was a break between floats and the like, I continued to watch the parade for a bit longer before heading over to the Metreon.

I watched Chronicle after my older brother, Ali, told me about it last night. I looked it up to see what it was about and it seemed like my kind of movie. Turns out it is. It's definitely an awesome movie that makes you laugh at some parts and flip out in others. I definitely had fun watching it and can't wait to tease my bro with the fact that I watched a movie he also wanted to see before him, haha~

After the movie, I started to head to the bus stop to get back home, but not long after I exited the theater, I ran into Andrea, a fellow intern. She was hanging out with two of her friends, but the funny and awesome part was not just me bumping into her at the Metreon, but her and her friends having watched the exact same movie as me. Talk about one major coincidence, haha~!

I didn't stay to chat with them long mainly because I was really tired and they were going off to hang out somewhere else. 

At first, I thought that catching a bus wouldn't be so hard since the parade was over now, but I had forgotten that it had taken up most of Geary which is the street I was to catch the 38 or the 38L heading towards my place. Which means that most of Geary was apparently still not drivable. I thought I would give it a shot and wait for the bus on Geary, but the moment I got there, a cop told not only me, but a group of people waiting for the same bus that the 38 was rerouted to Sutter. So we all walk to Sutter where we end up waiting what seemed liked forever for a bus that ended up never coming.

While waiting on the corner of Mason and Sutter, I met this guy waiting for the 38 as well. He struck up a simple conversation with me to pass the time. What was funny was that he asked if I spoke another language because according to him I have some sort of an accent. I guess in some way that's true because to any foreigner, I would have an accent (an American one, go figure, haha). Only thing was he wasn't a foreigner, but actually moved up from L.A (I didn't care to ask when though). I joked around with him and just said that maybe it was a SoCal accent even though he's also from SoCal, haha.

He was a really nice guy and talking to him was fun. But then I just got tired of waiting and announced that I was just going to get a cab. It was either that or walk 5 blocks up a hill to wait for a different bus going in the same direction. Mind you, it was also 10:30pm and my feet were hurting so there was no way I was going to do that extra walking.

The guy also decided he was tired of waiting and started motioning for a cab. One eventually stopped and he opened the door, but instead of taking the cab for himself, he told me to take it which was super nice.

And that basically wraps up my day. All that's left is me riding in a cab home (striking up a brief, but nice conversation with the driver about the parade), entering my flat, taking a shower and snuggling in my pjs and robe typing this post.

Anyway, I actually didn't realize the time and now I'm flipping out because I really need to go to sleep now. Brobro and sister (along with their friend, Eric) are coming up tomorrow morning around 10am so to bed I go now.

Goodnight everyone~


1 comment:

  1. Wow! You really have become San Fran. Sara! Only two weeks and you're all over the place!
