Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Whole Day w/ Brother, Sister & Eric

Yet another long and fun filled day~!

Ali, Monica and their friend Eric (who's practically another brother to me, haha) came by around noon. Our first destination was to get lunch. We went to Taqueria Can-cun which was super delicious food. We ordered a lot of tacos, Ali got a burrito that was really big and I got enchiladas with carne asada~

Delicious enchiladaaasss~

Burrito Mojado

After lunch, we walked around a bit with a full stomach before heading over to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. While there was some pretty awesome stuff there, most of the time we were just all "I don't get it" or "....what.....?"

Other times Ali, Eric and I would just make up some crap to explain 'the deeper meaning behind the painting' and Monica would just shake her head at us and laugh, haha.

On the fifth floor was this awesome bridge. Ali proceeded to be a dork as always.

We started heading off to the Blue Bottle cafe that was in the museum, but we first hung out in this cool open area with a lot of large windows. Then Eric pointed something out.

Let's see if you can find it. Look really closely and find what doesn't fit in this picture.

In case it's too hard to see or you gave up trying to figure it out, all I need to say is this: Where's Waldo? Because yes, he's in this picture, right there in the middle, on that roof, haha. It was a pretty awesome find.

After chillin' around here, we walked to the Blue Bottle cafe that wasn't too far from this room. Ali and Eric basically went caffeine nuts off double shot expressos while I was calmly drinking hot chocolate. Which, by the way, was delicious. Not to mention the simple design on the chocolate foam was cute.

After finishing our drinks, we left the museum and drove to City Lights Bookstore. This is a super awesome bookstore with three floors of all kinds of books! Ali bought a book and even though I didn't, I still had a lot of fun looking around. I might just go back and look around again just for the heck of it.

Not too far from the bookstore was a really cool mural and these hanging lights in the shape of books.

Ever since we left the museum, we started to really crave some good pizza (or at least Ali and I did, haha). So after the bookstore and walking around a bit, Ali looked up a pizza place and we walked over to it.

And it was really yummy pizza. We ate at Golden Boy Pizza or something like that haha.

I'm still not sure how we all fit in a slice of pizza while still pretty full from all the tacos, burritos and enchiladas we ate, but somehow we did, haha.

After pizza, we drove back to my place to drop me off. After chilling around for a bit, we said our goodbyes and they headed home.

Overall, I had not only a fantastic day today, but ultimately an awesome weekend~

Not to mention, brobro and sis brought me their old dresser for me to use for all my clothes and other things. It looks really great in this room and is just perfect. I love it~

They also brought their old mini television which is now in my room, haha~

Anyway, that basically sums up my day. Time for me to head to bed since I have "work" in the morning, haha.

Until the next blog update~



  1. Wheres Waldo was hilarious! And I noticed your cute little husky on your dresser. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Oh darn, I forgot to mention that and how we freaked out Eric, haha. Oh well~

  3. What a fun day, for all, keep it up, have some---- fun, while you are there,it's also good to enjoy your work,
