Saturday, February 4, 2012

First Blog Post~!

Introducing the very first post of this very awesome [hopefully] blog!

Finally, right? I'm positive every close member of my family and friends has been patiently yet impatiently waiting for this blog to be created and for posts to be written.

Well, here I am now. Better late than never, I'm sure you all will agree, haha.

Today marks the end of the first week of my internship at Greenpeace as well as the first week since I've been living in beautiful San Francisco.

I have two pretty cool flatmates, roommates, living buddies, or whatever you'd like to call them. To keep this part short, my flatmates are Rachel [19 years old] and Anna [22]. What's funny is that I'm actually not entirely similar to them although we do share common interests and values in regards to protecting and preserving the environment. As we all should know, our planet is under a hell of an attack by human over-consumption, global climate change triggered vastly by human activity such as the burning of coal, the deforestation of many ancient forests, marine destruction, and the list literally goes on and on.

They're both vegetarian whereas I am not, although I'm honestly more of an occasional/light meat eater. Nonetheless, we make it work and just as I respect their choice of being vegetarian, they respect my choice not to be (though I'm sure they wish I was, haha).

But enough about the people I live with. The Inner Richmond area is a great neighborhood and what's great is that I conveniently live near a CVS that has almost everything if there's anything quick I need (like shampoo, conditioner, various food stuff, ice cream, etc).

The bus route to the Greenpeace office is actually about an hour, give or take a few minutes, but my flatmates and I always arrive about twenty to thirty minutes early which really isn't too bad. Only con is waking up early, but that's for any work really, right? If you guys know me, which those of my family reading this certainly know, I am not a morning person, haha.

In a nutshell, the first week living here is awesome. I'm definitely pretty homesick, but this is also the start of a new adventure. Plus, I just keep reminding myself and my parents that it's only for three months and those months are going to fly by fast. So while I do miss my mom and baba a lot (especially my mommy and baba hugs), living in San Francisco on my own already proves to be an awesome experience and I know that there will be more fun to come (and no doubt annoyances, frustrations, and the like because that's just life for you, haha).

To wrap this first post up, I'll just post a few pictures of my room. 

Sleeping on a full sized air mattress.
Doesn't beat my organic mattress at home, but it's still super comfy and I like the bigness of it~

Best part of my room is that I have a bathroom with a shower just behind that door with the full
length mirror. Aaah yeaa~

My desk area. That tree hanging on the wall is certainly a pretty and awesome touch~

It's still a work in progress since my parents and I couldn't possibly fit everything in the car, haha. So they're going to bring a few other things I asked for when they come up to see me in two weeks. Honestly, I can't wait for that weekend because like I said, even though I'm already having fun here, I'm still missing my parents hard, haha.

Well, that's it for now. Stay tuned for pictures of the rest of the flat. I was too lazy to take more tonight, haha.

With that, I bid you all a good night~



  1. I'm so excited and happy for you. Enjoy this amazing and awesome experience. BTW, I REALLY miss my Sara hugs too! :(

    Love, Mom

  2. We'll be sure to have a mother-daughter hug fest when you guys come up to see me. Tell baba that there will also be a baba-daughter hug fest, haha. Love and miss you~ <3

  3. Ohhh, looks great! Have fun and be safe :D

  4. Wow, It sounds like you are having a good time running loose in SF... I would say you seem to be passing the all the external tests that try to weaken your Zen (still a meat eater and not yet a yogi - stay strong...) ;-) Thanks for the pics of the museum, it really looks cool, cant wait to see it... Love you, stay safe D.A.T.E.~
