Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Day My Cellphone Was Stolen

Well, this morning. It happened this morning. On the bus. A crowded bus. And I mean a super packed, shoulder to shoulder bus.

To be honest, it really sucked and not just because I got my phone stolen straight from the depths of my coat pocket (and I'll explain what really sucked later in this post). Whoever stole it had to be a master pickpocket because my phone was really snug deep in my pocket. I didn't notice it was gone until the bus cleared up by a lot and I was able to take a seat. I went to check and see if I had any new text messages only to find that I didn't have a phone anymore.

I pretty much flipped out inside even though I didn't outwardly show it. I looked around for a great deal, especially in every pocket and all inside my backpack. Alas, no phone.

But while I was in a panic-y mode and figuring out if I should really come to the conclusion that I had been robbed, I had missed my stop by a lot.

Before I knew it, I was practically all the way in Union Square near a Macy's. Meaning I was a good two miles away from where I was supposed to get off on Fillmore and Geary. It was at this point (about 9:10am) that I had to cut my losses and say goodbye to that phone because it was gone and there was no getting it back.

So I got off the bus, trying not to flip out too much because even though I knew where I was, I wasn't sure how to get to where I wanted to go. I tried finding the same bus I was just on but going in the opposite direction. I realized I was on a one-way street and walked a block over to another one-way street but going in the direction I came from. So I kept walking along this street hoping I'd run into a bus stop for the bus I wanted.

But of course I didn't. I asked a couple people if I was going in the right direction to get to Fillmore, but nobody knew for some reason. And of course, during the time when it would have been really helpful to have a cop or a cab in the area, there were absolutely none. Which just hella sucked, man.

So I ended up walking that entire two miles, for about forty minutes counting the pauses I had when I would determine if I should go left or straight.

I ended up doing a left turn to the next street, turn towards my right to walk straight for a while, another left turn to another street, and then turn towards my right to walk straight for even more and finally I saw Fillmore in sight. Then I saw a bus stop for the 22 which would take me to the Greenpeace office and even though I was super tired from walking and running and hills and just being overwhelmed, I just bolted towards it because it was basically my safe zone. The bus finally came, I got on, got to work twenty minutes late, but at that point I didn't care I was late, I was just glad I was where I wanted and needed to be and not stranded for hours or something.

Yeah, I lost my phone, the charms, and the cool case that was on it, but those things are replaceable. I was more worried that mom would try contacting me but get no reply for the next hour and then start to worry. Because my mom is actually pretty quick to worry, pfff. Luckily, by the time I got to the office, borrowed a friend's phone and called home, she wasn't worried for that whole time. Rather, I worried her for a second when I called her that moment because, I'll admit, I started bawling after holding it in the entire time I was trying to find my way back.

Nonetheless, things are resolved now. Mom told baba about the phone thievery and they went out to get a new one. So I have the same model phone just because I like that model a lot) and the same number. Since Ali was down at my parents' house this week, on his way home tomorrow morning, he'll be dropping by to deliver my new phone, so yay. Apparently he's also going to be taking me to dinner.

And thanks to google and having a google operated smart phone, it'll be super easy to sync my phone with my google account and get all my contacts onto the new phone. I'll also be ordering a new case for my phone tonight. As for the charms, well, Japan Town is nearby so I'll just hit up a few of the shops there for some, haha.

So that was my morning today. Quite the adventure even though it was definitely one I didn't want nor asked for, pff. Nonetheless it happened and I guess now I can say that I've been officially robbed for the first time. That and I guess I'm also officially a San Franciscan because this crap tends to happen in big cities and especially on buses.

And I'd just like to say that thank whatever in this world that it wasn't my wallet that was stolen because than that would be a whole universe more worse, pfff.

With that, I'll end this story. I actually wasn't going to have a blog post for today, but hey, this is an update in my life, so I'll update you all on this, haha.

Until next post~



  1. Such adventures! You handled a sucky situation admirably! Let's hear it for your mom and baba (and Ali too!) for getting you a new phone ASAP!
    Loving your blog! Cec.

    1. Haha yeah, seriously, the moment I told them they were basically on top of it and already getting me a new phone so I wouldn't be without one for too long haha. Honestly, if anything, it got stolen at a good time since it was right when Ali would be coming up and then on Friday my parents are coming up to visit, haha (although it would have been better if it wasn't stolen at all of course pfff). But yeah, for them and for me too, it's pretty important that I have a phone since that's the main thing that keeps me connected with them practically all the time, especially if I'm not at my SF home but instead out and about. Helps them to keep from worrying, haha.

  2. good job, you are a grownup, no better, they would screaming,you handled that well, but that's you. love you

  3. You pulled through with class and grace! Keep up the confidence (:
