Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So I'm 21 Now

So Monday was my 21st birthday. Already came and went so quickly, haha. Despite how fast it seemed to end, I had an amazing birthday. It was fun, relaxing, and spent with my awesome family (including my aunt, uncle and two little cousins).

The day started off slow. I slept in which is something I always love to do when I get the chance. After waking up, I had a delicious breakfast and sat on the couch for a while just relaxing and watching tv. In the afternoon, my mom, uncle, cousins and I went to watch Hugo at the theater (my baba, aunt, and bro stayed behind to do some work).

Hugo is a pretty good movie. I liked it; I found it very cute. Quite a long movie too, about two hours, but again, I liked it. After the movie, the whole family and I went to Outback for dinner. In a nutshell, we had great food and we headed home for presents and cake.

Speaking of cake, my mom did a fantastically brilliant job on ordering the most amazing cake ever!!! Excuse me while I spam you all with several photos of this superbly amazing cake of Sherlock Holmes awesomeness~!!

Nothing is fondant except for the magnifying glass. Everything else is delicious buttercream~~

One of my favorite Sherlock Holmes Stories aaaaahh!!!! ♥♥

Awesome purple "book" haha~

Look! Even detail in the pages!!!

Awesome iconic Sherlock Holmes side profile silhouette with his
awesome pipe!!

So that was my cake. I can't stop saying how amazing it was. Forever the best cake eeeeveeerrrrr!!! A big thanks to my mom since it was her idea, my baba because.....he's my baba and he helped with it in some way, and Jana who is the amazing young woman who made it~~!!

Stepping away from the cake now, I got some cool presents (most of which I already knew about because I asked my mom for them, haha). Most of them were books (minus the one game: Assassin's Creed which is something I've been wanting to play since it first came out in 2007 haha); awesome books of, go figure, with Sherlock Holmes relations. But rather than these centering the great consulting detective himself, it focuses on the Napoleon of Crime, Professor James Moriarty (one, The Hound of D'Ubervilles, is in the perspective of his "right hand man" Colonel Sebastian Moran). The only book I wasn't expecting is something called Rivals of Sherlock Holmes. Mom says it's an "antiquey book" and it sure looks like it since the book cover/sleeve is a bit tattered, but it still looks really cool. It's basically a compilations of mystery stories that were written in the same time period as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. It looks like it's going to be an awesome read because, if you know me, I love me some good mystery stories~

♥ My awesome books next to my awesome cake books~ ♥
♥ Happy eatings and happy readings~ ♥

I also asked for a cool shirt that my mom ordered for me. It's a simple gray shirt that says "Bullies Suck" on it with an image of what would be some face of a bully. It's really cool and I like what the t-shirt company it comes from stands for (pro-human rights for the LBGT community). Unfortunately, it didn't come in while I was here which just sucks. It would have been cool wearing it around in San Francisco (for really no particular reason, it's just a cool shirt, haha), but oh well, nothing you can do about it and it'll be here, at home, for when I come back in a month.

For now, if you want, you can check out what the shirt looks like by clicking here.

Well, I think it's about time to wrap up this blog post. Not much else to include other than repeating myself and saying how Monday was an awesome day full of fun and loud laughing. So I think the best way to end this is to post a ton more birthday photos (and that way you can see what else I got from my aunt, uncle and cousins because those are cool gifts too).

My three new awesome books & my new (not so new) game~

My little cousin Erik got this for me. It's the most awesome piggy bank~

Piggy eyepatch. Piggy Pirate. Pirate Piggy. Ohoho~

I thought it was awesome that I happened to wear my Sherlock Holmes themed shirt on my
birthday and then I had a Sherlock Holmes themed cake. Awesome coincidence ~ 

Big bro being a big dork as always~

I couldn't not get a picture of me doing something silly with the fondant magnifying glass haha~

So yeah, that pretty much sums up the bulk of my birthday. This turned out to be a very image heavy blog post, but who doesn't like photos? Photos are always awesome.

Anyway, there you have it. Again, awesome day with a more than awesome cake with my super awesome (and loud) family~ ♥

This is 21 year old Sara (who still feels like she's 17 or 15 or 12) signing off.
For now.

Until the next blog update~



  1. Glad your birthday went so nicely! Totally jelly of that cake!

    1. Of course you're jelly of that cake. Who WOULDN'T be jelly of that cake, haha!?

  2. Greatest blog post eva!!! Actually thats not true...they're all awesome posts! haha And I'm still feeling pretty darn proud of myself for my fantastic "Mom job"of "designing" your cake! Not that I'm bragging! hah! Funny thing is, I wasn't sure WHAT I wanted to do, it just came to me the day before I ordered it! All I knew is that it had to be worthy of your 21ST birthday!

    1. Well, it definitely was worthy and BEYOND of my 21st birthday. I've said it before and I'll say it again: BEST CAKE EVUUUURRRR!!!!! ♥ ♥

  3. So happy your day was so,wonderfull,you are blessed,and loved sooooooooooooo very much, and you are pretty great yourself, love you grandma
