Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day~

This past Sunday was Earth Day and San Francisco had an awesome Earth Day festival in the Civic Center Plaza. I got there at about 1pm and help out with the Greenpeace booth for two hours asking for people to sign a petition to get the EPA to enact a stricter limit on limiting carbon pollution from existing sources. That was fun since I got to interact with some pretty cool people there who were more than wiling to sign (others, not so much, but hey, you win some and you lose some, haha).

Some time after 3pm, I started to walk around on my own and experience every booth there. It was pretty awesome and I sampled a few pretty delicious tasting vegan food (much to my surprise since I've never really cared for vegan food). Most of the booths there were informational which was pretty cool. Other booths were clothing, jewelry and other small trinkets.

There was one pretty awesome booth called From War to Peace.

As you can see in the pictures (if not, I'm about to briefly explain anyway), this booth was selling necklaces, bracelets and a few other simple things made from recycled copper from dismantled nuclear weapon systems. In case it's hard for you to see, this is what it says in the second photo (which I find absolutely beautiful):

"Turning weapons meant to destroy us into art meant to restore us, swords into plowshares, bombs into beauty, hate into love, & war into peace."

I told you; super awesome and beautiful right?! I almost bought a necklace from the man, but I was turned away from the $40 price tag and I wasn't that much in love with it (plus the pendant was a little too big for my taste). Nonetheless, I think the idea and concept behind this is amazing, creative and super eco-fantastic!

However, despite not buying something from this booth, I did buy an awesome shirt! I got it from a cool booth called Playback that sold t-shirts and jackets. The shirt I got makes me feel so nerdy and eco-awesome~

One cool part of this shirt are the silly environmental messages on it, haha~
"Jumping Copernicus! Daresay there;s more soot in the azure than a chimneysweep's beard!"
Hehehe, yeah, I really love this shirt. Best part is that is made out of recycled clothing scraps which turns out to be more eco-friendly than growing organic cotton! What's also cool is that they have other shirts with green and blue colors but no dye is used at all. Instead, they combine recycled PET bottles (Mountain Dew bottles to get green, water cooler bottles to get green and beer bottles to get brown) with recycled cotton to get those pretty nice color blues, greens and browns.

I totally recommend checking out their website just to see what the rest of their products look like and some cool facts about how eco-friendly their business is. It seems that the booth on Earth Day was selling cool special made printed shirts for the occasion since their website only shows plain shirts. Plus, it's just a tad bit more money on the website than when I bought mine (which was only $15!! the website is about $22 if I can remember which is still a pretty great price for an eco-friendly garment~!).

After buying this shirt, I wandered around for a bit more. I kept passing this same henna booth and I finally went over to check it out. I almost, no seriously, I almost got a henna tattoo (which are temporary for those who aren't aware, last about 1-4 weeks). And when I say almost, I mean I seriously would have gotten one on my arm near my wrist if I actually saw a cool design in the girl's folders (or if she took simple requests which, honestly, I highly doubted). But alas, nothing struck me as something I would want stuck on me for 1-4 weeks are worth the $15 for a simple design. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have bought that $10 small pack of "make your own henna gel" and just do it myself. But then again, I would most likely just screw it up and suck at applying it on myself, haha (well, probably not if I used my right hand and did it on my left pfff). Ah well~ (And no parents, this doesn't mean I want or am getting a tattoo. I just thought henna would be cool because it's temporary and natural, haha).

So that's basically the sum of my Sunday. It was pretty relaxing, easy, and fun. Didn't do much afterwards other than come back to the flat, relax a bit and then sleep. So yeah, there's your update, haha.

Before I leave you all, just going to leave you with a horrible, horrible tease~

I did something pretty cool today. Actually, I participated in something awesome this morning, buuuuuut I can't quite give you the details just yet. I'll be typing it soon after this, but I won't be finalizing it (with photos) and publishing until after this event has been officially released into the press (which really shouldn't be too long)~ So stay tuned for that!


P.S If there are typos in this, deal with it. I was waaaay too lazy to go back and proof-read this, haha.

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