Monday, March 12, 2012

Oops, I Did It Again: 2 Weeks Since Last Update


Sorry, I promise to try and be more diligent with blog updates. I need to get back into the habit of posting more frequently so that I don't have to bunch so many events together.

Onward then!

So something I have yet to tell you is that I participated in my first ever flash mob two Saturdays ago on March 3rd! I was in a group of people who did simple dance moves while singing a tune inside a Lucky Supermarket in protest of Chicken of the Sea's destructive fishing methods.

To learn more about the flash mob and just the overall Chicken of the Sea Day of Action, go here~ It's a short article so be sure to read it either now or after this post, haha.

To sum it up, it was really awesome and quite the experience. The best part was when the store manager spoke over the intercom demanding that "someone call 911" which is completely ridiculous and just hilarious! Because by the time the cops even came (if they ever did) we were clearly all long gone because the manager announced that AFTER we were done with our song and dance haha.

Then Sunday, Ali came over to hang out. He brought Bradley Wiggins, his adorable Westie as well~ We went hiking around near Buena Vista Park. There was a "dog run" which Bradley had a ton of fun with as well as just climbing up to the very top of the hill, haha. We all had a good time and by the end of the day we were seriously worn out (especially Mister Bradley Puppy who ran all over the place, haha).

Run Bradley Wiggins, Run~

Anyway, fast forward about a week and I took a day off on Friday since I was heading to Bakersfield for my awesome sister-in-law's (Monica) baby shower this last Saturday.

I got off about 30 minutes early on Thursday, caught the bus, then caught a BART train to the SFO airport where I proceeded to fly on a plane on my own for the first time~ It was super awesome and getting to the airport and going through all the airport routine was fairly easy. I felt all independent and cool the whole time, haha.

The plane ride was comfortable which tends to be a hit or miss, pfff. It was said to be a full flight, but luckily it wasn't and no one sat next to me other then this cute looking guy who took the window seat. So there was an empty seat between us, therefore room and comfort aaaah yeaaah~

I ended up just reading and listening to music the whole flight. Also finished The Help that night which is a FANTASTIC novel. Such a great read! I left it with my mom for her to read and also enjoy. Thanks to my Aunt Tammy for buying me this novel~~

Saturday, my parents and I drove to Monica's parents' house for the baby shower. Monica's sister, Laura, and I were in charge of working with the cake baker/maker/person to design the cake which we did like...I dunno....some months ago or so.


Here are a few shots of this super awesome and adorable cake~

The baby shower was a great success and everyone had a ton of fun. Monica, Ali and their baby to come got a looooot of stuff! So yay for that~!

So that was this past Saturday. Sunday I rode with Ali and Monica back to Sacramento where I stayed the night. Then this morning, Ali dropped me off at Greenpeace and stopped by my flat to drop off a desk and night-table he didn't use or want a anymore.

Which look great in my room by the way~ (Thanks again bro!)

Apologies for a blurry/not so clear image; you get the point haha
On a final note, I made pasta for dinner tonight (again, but different pasta this time, pff). Mmm, delicious fettucine alfreado~

With that, I'll wrap up this post with a good ol' thanks for being patient with me and see you next update~
(I swear it won't be another two weeks djfakfhafha!!)

Love you all~!
